KNA March Agenda

King Neighborhood – Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 6:30pm
at the office of the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR


6:30 Introductions, approval of agenda and minutes

6:45 PreServe – Discussion to gather input from older African Americans living in King on their health concerns, neighborhood barriers that keep them from being healthy, and ideas for community-based activities that promote health and reduce barriers to health.

7:00 PDC – Representatives of the Portland Development Commission will be on hand to discuss the latest projects occurring in our neighborhood, including a proposal for development at Alberta & MLK, and how the community can engage and be involved in conversation on current and future projects.

March 31st Egg Hunt, Two Plum Park. Vote to have it be a KNA sponsored event and looking for volunteers.

8:00 Adjourn

Tadpole Tales for Tykes

57_20130115_102725Children aged 3-5 with their parents are invited to a short story and guided nature walk. Watch birds fly overhead, search for hidden animal homes, and learn about local trees and flowers. Topics will vary each week at each location. Topics include: pond life, birds, dirt and worms, and mammals. Routes are accessible to strollers. Families are welcome to bring a snack. Advanced registration required by emailing or calling 503-281-1132

Appropriate for what ages? 3-5
Day/Date: Wednesdays, March-May

Time: 10 -11 AM

Cost: $3 admission/donation per child, no charge for adults.

Location/Address: Locations change each month…
• March: Whitaker Ponds Nature Park, 7040 NE 47th Ave, Portland
• April: Columbia Children’s Arboretum, 300 NE Meadow Ln., Portland 97211
• May: Columbia Slough Water Quality Facility, 19595 NE Sandy, Portland

Phone Number (for general public for more information): 503 281-1132

Web site:

KNA Opposes Unrestricted OLCC License for 7-Eleven

The following is a letter submitted to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission at yesterday’s hearing on the 7-Eleven license application. The license was granted with no restrictions but KNA is committed to continuing negotiations with 7-Eleven to preserve neighborhood livability through a good neighbor agreement.

Oregon Liquor Control Commission
9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Portland, OR 97222

RE: 7-11 5150 NE MLK Blvd, Portland – Liquor License Request for Restriction

The King Neighborhood Association (KNA) has previously submitted opposition to an unrestricted OLCC license being issues to the 7-11 now located at 5150 NE MLK Blvd, Portland. At that time the King Neighborhood Association requested that the license be restricted based on size and alcohol content of beverages, as well as the time of sale be restricted to no later than 1:00 am.
On February 7th, Ryan Kroll, on behalf of 7-11 engaged with the King Neighborhood Association and has entered into negotiations to find suitable accommodations for the concerns of the KNA. We believe that 7-11 is acting in good faith as is the KNA and we would like to formally request an extension of one month on your deliberation of this matter. While we have made excellent progress on a draft agreement, there are items that warrant further discussion.
The King Neighborhood has in the past and does currently struggle with street drinking amongst other public safety concerns. Great strides have been made over the past 10 years within the neighborhood to make significant improvements, but there is much work yet to be done. As new businesses move into our neighborhood it is incumbent both on those businesses and the neighbors to work together to ensure that the positive momentum that has carried us this far continues.
We urge you to grant this request and allow us the opportunity to work with our new neighbor to continue to make positive change in the King Neighborhood a reality.

Russ Eisenberg
Co-Chair KNA on behalf of the King Neighborhood Association

Easter Egg Hunt at Two Plum Park

twoplumeggThe Second Annual Egg Hunt at Two Plum Park, 4023 NE 7th Ave will be Sunday March 31st at 10:30am. The egg hunt is for ages 5 and under. Please bring a bag or basket to collect eggs in (5 eggs max per child)

We will be needing a few supplies so please keep your eye out for:

We’ll be getting a candy donation from the Alberta Co-op so no need for those kinds of donations. We’ll be looking for help stuffing eggs on the evening of Wedneday, March 27.

We will also need some volunteers so if you or anyone you know would like to help hide eggs and clean the park-up before the event (around 9:30) or clean-up afterwards let us know. Please help spread the word!

Thanks, everyone. Spring is on its way!
Tia Factor

Can neighbors turn the empty church at 8th & NE Failing into a community center? Will you help?


Neighbor Diane Benson writes:

You may have heard about our efforts to preserve the church at NE 8th and Failing, and convert it to a multi-cultural community center. Here’s a quick summary and current status, as well as a plea to help us by writing a letter to the Department of Justice:
Until his death last March, Pastor Winfred Menefee had control over the church at NE 8th and Failing. His sister is trying to sell the church, and almost had it sold to a developer who was planning to tear it down and build houses on the property. Pastor Menefee’s daughter, Shalonda Menefee, would like the church to be kept as a community asset, ideally
as a non-profit community center. Steve Schreiber and I have been working with Shalonda since last summer, trying to figure out how to prevent the church from being torn down and keep it as a community asset. Due to a title dispute, the Department of Justice has said the church should be sold, and each of them (Shalonda and her aunt) could designate a non-profit to donate 50% of the funds to.
Shalonda is still hoping to avoid selling the church, because most likely it will be sold to a developer and torn down. Instead, she wants to persuade the DOJ to allow the church to be donated to a community-based non-profit organization, with the intent that we would establish a community center there. At Shalonda’s behest, I’ve written a letter to the Department of Justice, requesting that they help us find a way to preserve the church as a community asset – see attached.
Here is where we could use your help. Will you please write a letter to Susan Bower at the DOJ, explaining that you are part of a coalition of neighbors and other interested folks that want to preserve the church and turn it into a community center? Please let Ms. Bower know that folks do care about what happens to the old church, and we are eager to work together to transform it into a gathering place for our community.


You can either email the letter to me, and I’ll forward
it to Shalonda, or you can mail it directly to the DOJ.
Or, both. Here’s the DOJ contact info…
Department of Justice
Civil Enforcement Division
1515 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 410
Portland, OR 97201
Attn: Susan A. Bower, Assistant Attorney General
Please include a subject line something like this:
Gethsemane Church/801 NE Failing Property
 If you can write the letter and send it to me and/or DOJ by Thursday, Feb 21, that would be great.
 Thanks for your help, and please let me know if you
have any questions, concerns or suggestions.