Be Counted!

Take a Census 2010 Quiz. Choose the best answer.
Multnomah County census takers are which of the following:

a. Your neighbors
b. Your friends
c. Your loved ones
d. All of the above

If you chose “d. All of the above” congratulations. On May 1, 2010 your friends, neighbors and loved ones will be on the streets making sure the people of Multnomah County are accurately counted and receive their fair share of federal funding. Please help to insure their safety and yours. If you suspect fraud, call the police non-emergency line. Help inform your neighbors of some basic facts.

Census takers never ask for your social security number.
Census takers never ask for money.
Census takers never ask to enter your home.
Census takers always wear an identification badge.

When it comes to funding for schools and roads, it pays to be counted.