KNA Meeting, Wednesday Oct 12th

What a great meeting we have planned! We’re so sorry that this agenda is being released so late… Columbus Day preparations had us running around all of last week, and we’re just catching our breath.

This week’s King NA meeting will feature our last visit with Officer Ryan Bren, who has served our neighborhood as District Officer for the last couple of years and has been a pleasure to work and communicate with.

We’ll be hearing from Emily Wilson, who has worked tirelessly to put together a project to improve Two Plum Park, in particular by raising money to install a bench. Two Plum Park is one of four neighborhood parks in King, and we’re happy to help out folks who are looking to take a hand in the care and improvement of them!

Speaking of, neighbor Diego Gioseffi and his neighbors have developed a project to remove invasive species from part of the King School lot, and replace them with native plants in the ground. We have struggled to get permission from the City to go ahead with the project, but progress is being made; also, the folks who run the King Farmers Market have offered to help. Once we have a date set, all are invited to come pull weeds and help us clean up part of the King School grounds! Please join us to get an update on the planning of this project.

We’ll be getting an update on the Portland Playhouse, & its efforts towards getting a Conditional User Permit from the City, in order to resume using their building at 602 NE Prescott. In addition, King NA has had discussions with the Playhouse and nearby neighbors about parking issues ~ we’ll have a short update on this.

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is looking for feedback about Last Thursday. In addition to a survey of residents living near Alberta Street, NECN is reaching out to the nearby neighborhood associations to get feedback, ideas, compliments, and criticisms about how Last Thursday operates. Please join us and share your experience with us.

There will be other short presentations on topics of community interest, as well as a bit of time to bat around ideas, projects, questions, and thoughts. Please join us for Wednesday evening’s meeting – all are welcome at our Neighborhood Association!

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Noise Review Board Seeks Volunteers

Portland’s volunteer Noise Review Board currently has two positions the City is looking to fill. One seat is a “Citizen at Large” community representative on the board. The other position is the Board’s representative from the field of professionals in the Acoustical Sciences.

The Board is comprised of five members including: three citizen at large positions, a representative from the construction industry, and a professional in the field of acoustics. Appointments to the volunteer Noise Review Board are made for a three-year period.

The Noise Review Board normally meets once a month on the second Wednesday of the month. The Board is charged with making decisions on Noise Variances for projects that range from nighttime construction projects to large outdoor concerts. The Board also works to develop long term objectives for achieving reduction of sound levels in the community.

If you have further questions regarding the Noise Review Board, contact the City’s Noise Control Officer, Paul van Orden at (503) 823-5829. Interested parties are encouraged to file an official application for the City of Portland Noise Review Board. Applications can be acquired from the City’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement. Completed applications should be filed by no later than Friday October 7, 2011 .

For applications please see the web at: contact:
Patrick Philpott, Office of Neighborhood Involvement, 1221 SW 4th Ave Suite 110 Portland, Oregon 97204. Phone: (503)-823-3881/ E-mail:

Presentation & Dialogue – Grassroots Participation in Designing Community

Community Outreach of Our United Villages is hosting a free community-building presentation and dialogue entitled “Grassroots Participation in Designing Community.” The flyer is attached below. This event is free and open to the community. Child care (9 and under), transportation, and interpretation will be provided upon request. RSVP is appreciated by October 22nd.

Community Outreach of Our United Villages provides opportunities and resources for neighbors to get to know one another. We believe that everyone has something positive to contribute to their community. We lift up the stories of everyday people doing extraordinary things throughout Portland.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you!

Linda F. Hunter & Emily A. Burruel
Community Outreach Team
Our United Villages
3625 N. Mississippi Avenue
Portland, OR 97227

Designing Community Flyer
Designing Community Flyer Spanish (2)

2012 Neighborhood Small Grants and Graffiti Abatement Grants: $30,444 Available!

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is offering $23,794 in small grant funds and $6,650 in graffiti abatement funds to neighborhood, business and community-based groups. NECN will offer $1000-$4000 per project within the Neighborhood Small Grant program and up to $2,500 per graffiti abatement project. Past projects funded by NECN include community orchards, tours of African American murals, afterschool programs, community outreach projects, website design, murals, graffiti clean-up and multicultural festivals.

The goal of the grant program is to provide opportunities for building community and increasing and sustaining involvement in neighborhood associations, district coalitions and the community at-large. This program prioritizes engagement of historically under-represented organizations representing people of color, immigrants and refugees, low-income families, youth, people with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bi and transgendered people.

Interested in Applying?

If so, we strongly encourage you to attend the small grants orientation session. This year, NECN will host both an Orientation and a separate, hands-on, interactive Small Grant Workshop.

Orientation: September 21st, 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
This informational session will answer questions about the application, the committee review process, what funds can be used for and NECN’s unique priorities. Please RSVP to or 503.823.4264

Small Grant Workshop on October 6th, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
This workshop is meant to give grant applicants a chance to receive direct feedback on how to make their proposals stronger. Draft proposal in hand, participants will pair up and review each others drafts. Please RSVP to or 503.823.4135. Please remember to bring your draft proposal!

Click here for more information and to download an application
Application Deadline is November 1st, 2011 at 5:00pm.

KNA September Meeting 09-14

Draft Agenda

6:30 Welcome and introductions. Approval of minutes and agenda.

6:40 Officer Ryan Bren, Portland Police Bureau.

6:50 Shoshana Cohen, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods.

7:00 Marilyn Mauch, Northeast Portland Backpack Lunch Program

7:15 Emily Wilson, Bench for Two Plum Park

7:35 Aiyana Cunningham, Portland Playhouse

7:45 Trace Salmon, KNA communications

7:50 Updates from committee members.

8:10 Final thoughts.