King NA Supports Juneteenth Forward at MLK/Alberta

At the May meeting of the association, Woody Broadnax, the organizer of one of the two Juneteenth events in Portland this year, asked for KNA support. This will be the first year for the Juneteenth Forward event and it will be held where the longstanding Juneteenth event was last year. That older event will take place at Jefferson High School this year. Mr. Broadnax asked for KNA support for his use of the PDC owned lot for the event and sought an unspecified financial contribution.

At its special board meeting at Reflections Coffee on May 21st, the KNA board voted to write a letter of support to the Portland Development Commission for the use of the location. KNA, which has yet to develop an income stream other than a $1000/year outreach stipend, declined to provide any financing to the event.

Click here for the letter.

Free Street Fair?

We don’t know who thought up the Free Street Fair, or put up these fliers in the neighborhood, but we’re intrigued to see what our neighbors turn out this Saturday.

On another topic, there’s no rain in the forecast for the weekend, so if you find yourself with some free time and want to help out the King NA with some canvassing, we have brochures and fliers for our upcoming clean-up and neighborhood garage sale that we’d love your help distributing. We’re looking forward to getting out in the sunshine and saying hi to our neighbors along the way!

You can join us by stopping by our meeting on Saturday morning, between 10 and 11 at Reflections Coffeeshop (446 NE Killingsworth), or by emailing us, or giving Alan a call at 503-880-6848.

County Accepting Nominations for Sy Award

From Multnomah County:

Do you know someone who has shown a lifelong commitment to justice, equality, and obtaining access to the halls of power for all citizens? The Multnomah County Citizen Involvement Committee (CIC) is seeking nominees for the 4th Annual “Sy Award.” The award is given in honor of Sy Kornbrodt whose passion and voice on behalf of underserved and underrepresented citizens in Multnomah County inspired the CIC to create it. Nominees can be from the county at large, county staff, and members of county committees and boards.

The Sy Award will be presented to the recipient at the CIC Annual Dinner on June 9th. Past winners include citizen involvement activist Moshe Lenske, Office of Citizen Involvement Director Kathleen Todd, and former IRCO Board President Thach Nguyen.
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Special KNA Meeting, Canvassing Kick-off 5/21

King Neighborhood Association Special Board Meeting
Reflections Coffeeshop, 446 NE Killingsworth Street
May 21, 2011 – 10:00-11:00 am

Due to a lack of time, some KNA business went unresolved at our last meeting. In order to both clean house and to take care of our neighborhood canvass, we will meet at Reflections. If you are interested in the topics on the agenda or would like to volunteer to canvass part of our neighborhood that day, stop on by! We will go out with information about our association and our upcoming events–primarily the King Neighborhood Clean-Up and the King Garage Sale Day.

If you would like to canvass, you can cover just your block or as many as you wish. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and to broaden KNA’s participation base so that we can best serve everyone in our little patch of Portland.


10:00 Welcome and introductions. Approval of agenda.
10:05 Consideration of Jim Hansen/Henry V & NNEBA’s request for endorsement of the MLK Dream Run, 2011.
10:10 Consideration of Woody Broadnax’s request for endorsement of the Juneteenth Forward event at MLK & Alberta.
10:25 Preparing for neighborhood canvassing for the KNA clean-up & garage sale day.
10:45 Adjournment.

Chat with Lew Frederick

From Lew Frederick:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Second Saturday Chat, May 14th

Our monthly Second Saturday get-together is coming up next week. We meet from 9:00 to 10:00 AM at Reflections Coffee Shop/Talking Drum Bookstore, 446 NE Killingsworth (just east of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.)

Thanks again to Gloria for letting us, and other community groups, use this space. Please show her some love by buying some coffee and goodies while you’re there.

Important bills and issues continue to be debated and voted on in the Legislature. Next week we’ll see the May revenue forecast and work on the budget will intensify. Let’s talk about it. Hope to see you there.

There’s an election going on!

Please don’t forget to return your ballot by May 17th. There are two local tax measures on the ballot to support Portland schools. I support both of them. Important elections are also under way for School Board, Community College Board and Education Service District Board.

I believe that it is vital to reverse the disinvestment in education that has taken place over the past twenty years, because I simply refuse to give up on our future. Please vote YES on Measure #26-121, the Portland School Bond, and Measure 26-122, the Portland School Levy.