A new online tool, developed by Metro, will help engage more citizens across the region and gather public opinion to inform policymaking decisions. The tool is called Opt In, and the goal is to create a timely and cost-effective way for the region’s residents to provide input into decisions affecting them and their communities. Opt In seeks to engage a broad and diverse range of individuals throughout our region, including populations who are not always engaged through other forms of public outreach. Opt In uses an effective model used by many private-sector companies to more efficiently gather input and inform decisions. Continue reading
Category Archives: Community Involvement
NECN Safety and Liveability Team to Meet Feb 21st.
The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhood’s Safety and Livabilty Team (SALT) meets Monday, February 21st at 6:30pm at the NECN Office.
SALT’s inaugural roundtable, Sharing the Road: People on the Move, held on January 31st, proved to be a success with 30 neighborhood leaders and transportation activists listening to presentations from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Willamette Pedestrian Coalition, and the City of Portland’s Bureau of Transportation. Watch the SALT webpage to see more committee activities.
V.O.I.C.E. Project Meeting
From the Urban League of Portland:
Make Your VOICE Heard! Voice Our Importance through Community Engagement!
Our community has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. We have poor health outcomes and our children face unfair discipline in schools that lead to high drop-out rates. What is being done to fix these issues?
Come learn more about how the Urban League of Portland is helping to build a better future for African Americans through the Portland Plan. We want to hear your ideas about how to build a better future for our community. Join us for an evening of sharing and engagement, Wednesday, February 16, 2011 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Light refreshments will be provided.
For more information please contact Inger at 503-280-2600 ext. 641 or imcdowell@ulpdx.org
Traffic Safety Initiative to Target King
Vision Zero Oregon has chosen King as one of the neighborhoods they want to work with this spring to educate people on how to pursue roadway safety strategies.
From their website, www.visionzerooregon.org
We are a group of five Portland State University Masters of Urban and Regional Planning students working with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to develop new community-based strategies to improve roadway safety. Through June 2011 we’ll be assembling a toolkit of tactics and working with a specific neighborhoods to build up the capacity of people in that community to pursue roadway safety on their own. The project is really about finding ways to get all the relevant groups together to work towards making streets safer for users of all types of transportation, from people who drive to people who walk to people who roll. Whether you’re a traffic engineer, a safety advocate, a neighborhood resident, or just a user of Portland’s streets, we want you involved.
We are planning a walking tour and an existing conditions survey to hear from King residents their experiences and thoughts about roadway safety in their neighborhood. I hope that anyone from the neighborhood association (and the neighborhood!) can attend and help get the word out.
Let your voice be heard on city priorities!
In addition to the police survey that was recently announced on this blog, there is another Citywide Budget Survey going on right now. Why is this important for King residents to participate in? So we have a voice in where- and how- our tax dollars are spent! Is there a pothole near your house that needs attention? How about that intersection at MLK and Failing- ever wished for a crosswalk? Wish there was a bench in Two Plum Park? Sick of seeing graffiti along Alberta? Every home should by now have received a hard copy of the Citywide Budget Survey in the mail. No need for a stamp to return it, just fill it out, fold it up and pop it back in the mail. Alternatively, go to www.portlandonline.com/omf/budgetsurvey and share your thoughts- it’ll only take a few minutes. Thank you!