City Funds dedicated to support the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and its support for 12 inner N/NE neighborhoods are in jeopardy!
Let’s demonstrate how we work together and show strong support for the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and the 12 neighborhoods we work with: Alameda, Boise, Concordia, Eliot, Grant Park, Humboldt, Irvington, King, Sabin, Sullivan’s Gulch, Vernon and Woodlawn!
You can help by emailing letters of support of the “Right Budget for ONI (Office of Neighborhood Involvement)” to the Mayor and Commissioners this week (and no later than March 30, 2009).
Email, phone calls or letters indicating support for “The Right Budget” for ONI will be of tremendous help. We have provided you a draft letter to get you started.
Please send your email in this week if at all possible, by Friday, March 20, 2009 and no later than the end of March!