Alberta Street Bar Meeting Thursday

Photo by Cari Hachmann/The Portland Observer

The City’s Liquor Licensing Program is working with the 53 liquor license establishments along Alberta as well as neighbors and neighborhood associations to create a collaborative bar agreement meant to decrease negative impacts from late night activities on the neighborhood. The City has already met twice with the licensed establishments to brainstorm ideas – they are now looking for input from neighbors.

The flyer publicizing the meeting states: “Alberta Street has a unique interface between neighborhood residents and the growing commercial district. Late night activity continues to increase, as well as negative impacts to the neighborhood . . . We would like to continue . . . discussions and formalize an agreement between the licensed businesses, community members, and neighborhood associations in the area.”

Bar Meeting Flyer

What: Alberta Street Bar Meeting
When: Thursday, November 17, 6-8PM
Where: Kennedy School Community Room
6332 NE 35th Ave., Portland 97211

KNA Special Meeting to Endorse Grant Seekers

King Neighborhood Association Special General Meeting:
October 31st, 6:00-6:45 pm
King Neighborhood Facility
4815 NE 7th Avenue

Hello all:

King Neighborhood Association has the opportunity to meet and discuss two proposed projects that are would affect livability in our neighborhood. Each of these projects is being submitted for a grant with the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, whose grant process has a deadline of November 1st. The proposals were not completed in time to be considered at KNA’s last meeting, so we’ve scheduled a special Halloween meeting to look each of them over and decide whether to endorse them.

Local artist Rodolfo Serna working with the arts-to-schools program, the Right Brain Initiative, will work with students at all age levels in King School as an artist-in-residence to produce a mural to beautify the King School Park grounds and create a sense of place and identity out of a blank wall adjacent to the tennis courts. This area is a frequent target for graffiti due to its large empty vertical surface. Murals have been shown to reduce the incidence of graffiti and this project will fill a gap in King’s visual arts curriculum this year. As King continues to develop its International Baccalaureate program, integrating more art into the school will be crucial to developing the student body’s various means of expression and will develop investment in the wider community.

Manifest, an eight-year-old non-profit men’s wellness organization that empowers men to prevent & address chronic illness (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, & depression/suicide), will be doing a door-to-door survey this spring of hundreds of men’s’ wellness goals, challenges, & favorite activities in the Concordia, Vernon, King, & Sabin neighborhoods. We also will be referring these men to local businesses, non-profits, churches, government agencies, and neighbor organizations that can help them achieve their most important wellness goals. Men in our neighborhoods are dying five years before women from five completely preventable illnesses, and those illnesses are costing our county & state more than a $1 billion annually in unnecessary & painful treatments of diseases we could easily prevent & address right here in our neighborhood with existing resources like local wellness-related businesses, non-profits, churches, government agencies, & neighborhood groups. Men need regular exercise, good food, work, & community focused on wellness, and they are more likely to do these things regularly when they can do them close to home. Manifest intends to hire diverse local men to do the surveys and make neighborhood referrals as they are completing each survey.

We understand that Halloween plus such short notice may make it difficult to attend. If you have a bit of time to spare on Monday, we welcome your participation and input on these proposals. for more information, email us at We hope to see you there!

Liquor License Renewal –North of Burnside

All liquor licenses North of Burnside within the Portland City Limits (East & West) will expire on December 31, 2011, unless renewed by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC). As part of the renewal process, the City of Portland makes recommendations to the OLCC on renewal applications using information gathered from neighbors, community organizations, and public safety officials. The City of Portland is home to approximately 2,700 liquor license establishments, about half of which are coming up for renewal. Neighbors, Neighborhood and Business Associations, and Community Organizations have a very important role in this process.

The annual renewal is an opportunity for communities to address problems or concerns with licensed establishments in their neighborhoods. Concerned neighbors and community organizations wishing to oppose a license renewal north of Burnside should advise the Office of Neighborhood Involvement as soon as possible. Licensed establishments not identified by the City of Portland as problem locations are processed as though they received a “favorable” recommendation. Opposition received by individuals and organizations is considered by the City before a recommendation is made to the OLCC. If neighbors have concerns but do not wish to formally oppose the license renewal, this is an excellent opportunity to engage in problem solving to address concerns informally.

Information about liquor establishments with ongoing problems must be received by November 15th, 2011, to be considered in the City of Portland’s recommendation process.

Please contact Theresa Marchetti, City of Portland Liquor License Specialist, at 503-823-3092 or

KNA Meeting, Wednesday Oct 12th

What a great meeting we have planned! We’re so sorry that this agenda is being released so late… Columbus Day preparations had us running around all of last week, and we’re just catching our breath.

This week’s King NA meeting will feature our last visit with Officer Ryan Bren, who has served our neighborhood as District Officer for the last couple of years and has been a pleasure to work and communicate with.

We’ll be hearing from Emily Wilson, who has worked tirelessly to put together a project to improve Two Plum Park, in particular by raising money to install a bench. Two Plum Park is one of four neighborhood parks in King, and we’re happy to help out folks who are looking to take a hand in the care and improvement of them!

Speaking of, neighbor Diego Gioseffi and his neighbors have developed a project to remove invasive species from part of the King School lot, and replace them with native plants in the ground. We have struggled to get permission from the City to go ahead with the project, but progress is being made; also, the folks who run the King Farmers Market have offered to help. Once we have a date set, all are invited to come pull weeds and help us clean up part of the King School grounds! Please join us to get an update on the planning of this project.

We’ll be getting an update on the Portland Playhouse, & its efforts towards getting a Conditional User Permit from the City, in order to resume using their building at 602 NE Prescott. In addition, King NA has had discussions with the Playhouse and nearby neighbors about parking issues ~ we’ll have a short update on this.

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is looking for feedback about Last Thursday. In addition to a survey of residents living near Alberta Street, NECN is reaching out to the nearby neighborhood associations to get feedback, ideas, compliments, and criticisms about how Last Thursday operates. Please join us and share your experience with us.

There will be other short presentations on topics of community interest, as well as a bit of time to bat around ideas, projects, questions, and thoughts. Please join us for Wednesday evening’s meeting – all are welcome at our Neighborhood Association!

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Documentary on Graffiti

Here’s a preview of a film that delves into the our society’s ambivalence toward graffiti and the extremists on both sides.


Portland, Oregon / October 14-20, 2011
The Clinton St. Theater
Director Max Good and Editor Julien de Benedictis will be there for a Q&A on opening night.