The City of Portland is now accepting applications for their 1% for Green program. This program provides money for green infrastructure facilities that manage stormwater, preserve or mimic the natural hydrologic cycle, control flow, improve water quality, enhance livability and provide other environmental benefits. Projects such as green Street swales, curb extensions, planters, vegetated infiltration basins and porous paving are eligible.
Category Archives: Environment
Home Energy IQ Workshop at Kennedy School
Pacific Power is sponsoring a Home Energy IQ Workshop on October 6th from 6:00–8:30 p.m. at the McMenamins Kennedy School Gymnasium, 5736 NE 33rd Ave. The event is free for all Pacific Power customers and includes dinner!
However, seating is limited and we are asking that everyone register ASAP to ensure we have enough catering and seating. You can register at .
Pacific Power is working with Energy Trust of Oregon to deliver this workshop that will educate homeowners about improving their home’s energy efficiency and lowering their electric bills. Attendees will learn how to:
• Identify your household energy use and how it changes over time.
• Take a whole-home approach to energy efficiency.
• Recognize the most cost-efficient energy improvements for your home.
• Save energy and improve your home’s comfort, health and safety.
• Reduce your environmental footprint.
• Save money with Energy Trust incentives.
Participants will receive a free Energy Saver Kit, including:
• Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) that use 75 percent less energy, last up to seven years – depending on your daily usage – and give off natural-looking light.
• High-performance faucet aerators and showerheads that reduce water heating costs by using up to 20 percent less water – compared to standard fixtures – without impacting water pressure.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact:
Kari Greer
Community Relations
Oregon Energy Efficiency
Pacific Power
825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 813-5642 office
(503) 816-9032 cell
(503) 813-7274 fax
Register Now! Metro Grants Workshops
Helping make the region a great place
Metro grants and technical assistance
The liveliest cities and neighborhoods don’t happen by accident. It takes vision, leadership and investment. But how do you turn a good idea into a great project? Metro can help.
If you have an innovative idea to integrate the natural world into your community please join us for a workshop about Metro’s Nature in Neighborhood grant programs. Participants will learn about the goals, criteria and application procedures of the grant programs as well as how to create a program plan and what resources are available to help get a project started.
The Metro Council’s 2006 Natural Areas bond measure established $15 million for the Capital Grants Program to inspire innovative partnerships that enhance ecological functions and increase the presence of nature where people live, work and play. This includes projects that acquire land for public ownership or result in a capital improvement on public land.
A workshop focusing on the Capital Grant program will be offered at two locations:
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010
7 to 9 p.m.
Beaverton City Hall, 4755 SW Griffith Drive
This workshop is being co-sponsored by OSU Extension, Washington County Citizen Participation Program, City of Beaverton Neighborhood Program, Clean Water Services, Tualatin Riverkeepers and the Tualatin Watershed Council.
Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010
9 to 11 a.m.
Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland
Metro’s restoration and enhancement grant program supports hands-on activities and environmental education programs that protect and contribute to watershed health in the region. The program connects community-minded people to their neighborhoods, natural areas, backyards and beyond. New this year the program will fund a small number of planning grants to assist communities in developing their projects.
One workshop will focus on Metro’s Restoration and Enhancement Grants Program
Saturday, November 13, 2010
9 to 11 a.m.
Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland
The deadline for Nature in Neighborhoods Restoration and Enhancement Grants pre-applications is 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011.
To RSVP or for more information, contact Kristin Blyler at 503-797-1834 or For more information, visit
Kristin Blyler
Grant program
Metro – Sustainability Center
600 NE Grand Ave.
Portland OR 97232
Build It Green! Home Tour and Information Fair 2010
Tour Portland’s first-ever permitted straw bale house, and a historic home energy upgrade project by Clean Energy Works Portland
Portland’s first-ever permitted straw bale house and a Victorian home that received energy-saving upgrades from the Clean Energy Works Portland program ( are two reasons to buy tickets early for the 9th annual Build It Green! Home Tour on Saturday, September 25th. This year’s tour features twenty-one green remodels and new homes around the Portland metropolitan area. Tickets are on now sale at Ecohaus and at
Many of the homes and affordable housing include solar panels, ecoroofs, rainwater harvesting, natural landscaping, water and energy conservation, reused building materials, alternative construction techniques, small footprints and much more. Homeowners and contractors will be available to share their personal experiences and to answer questions. Come be inspired!
A FREE family-friendly information fair will follow at Ecohaus with green vendors, demonstrations, food, drink and music.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Home Tour: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Twenty-one tour stops throughout the Portland metro area
Information Fair: 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Hosted by Ecohaus, 819 SE Taylor St, Portland
Tickets: $15 adults; $10 car-free, students, and honored citizens, FREE for children 14 and under. Purchase tickets (credit card) at or in person (cash or check only) at Ecohaus (819 SE Taylor St, Portland, 503-222-3881).
Presented by the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Sponsored by Metro, Energy Trust of Oregon, Solar Oregon, Oregon Home magazine, and City of Portland Bureaus of Environmental Services, Development Services and Water
For more info: visit, e-mail, or call 503-823-5431.
KNA Supports Maintaining Safeway Parking Conditionally
Safeway sent representatives to the September meeting of the KNA to present their plans for landscaping changes that will take place due to the upcoming interior and exterior remodel of the store. In order to preserve the existing number of spaces in the lot, Safeway applied for an adjustment from city code that required more planted area. Seven of the 99 spaces would have been lost to comply. KNA agreed to support the adjustment on the condition that a financial donation to a Friends of Trees fund was made to assist low income homeowners plant more trees. Also requested was an improvement in bike parking at the store to standard bike racks for at least 20 bikes, preferably covered. Currently bike users must lock up to the bollards in front of the store which tends to be akward and leaves little room for pedestrian traffic between the bike trailers, etc. A letter in support with the conditions will be sent to the Bureau of Development Services.