NECN Land Use Meeting

The NECN Land Use and Transportation Committee meets Wednesday, February 23rd at 7:00pm at the NECN Office.

A key event the LUTC is planning right now is a Public Forum on the Columbia River Crossing with your Elected Officials. While government officials are still being confirmed, please save the date of Monday, March 7th, 7:00 – 9:00pm at Concordia University . This forum will give Neighborhood Associations and other community members a chance to state their perspective on the planning of the CRC project, and hear responses from your representatives. We encourage joining together with your own Neighborhood Association, or even your Association’s Land Use and Transportation Committee to help craft a statement. This event is co-sponsored by the Concordia Neighborhood Association and NECN. If you have questions about the CRC proposal, or how you can participate please email or call the LUTC support staff at 503-823-4223.

NECN Safety and Liveability Team to Meet Feb 21st.

From NECN:

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhood’s Safety and Livabilty Team (SALT) meets Monday, February 21st at 6:30pm at the NECN Office.
SALT’s inaugural roundtable, Sharing the Road: People on the Move, held on January 31st, proved to be a success with 30 neighborhood leaders and transportation activists listening to presentations from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Willamette Pedestrian Coalition, and the City of Portland’s Bureau of Transportation. Watch the SALT webpage to see more committee activities.

SALT webpage-click here

The full calendar of NECN events is here!

Traffic Safety Initiative to Target King

Vision Zero Oregon has chosen King as one of the neighborhoods they want to work with this spring to educate people on how to pursue roadway safety strategies.

From their website,

We are a group of five Portland State University Masters of Urban and Regional Planning students working with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to develop new community-based strategies to improve roadway safety. Through June 2011 we’ll be assembling a toolkit of tactics and working with a specific neighborhoods to build up the capacity of people in that community to pursue roadway safety on their own. The project is really about finding ways to get all the relevant groups together to work towards making streets safer for users of all types of transportation, from people who drive to people who walk to people who roll. Whether you’re a traffic engineer, a safety advocate, a neighborhood resident, or just a user of Portland’s streets, we want you involved.

We are planning a walking tour and an existing conditions survey to hear from King residents their experiences and thoughts about roadway safety in their neighborhood. I hope that anyone from the neighborhood association (and the neighborhood!) can attend and help get the word out.

Draft Agenda for February 9th KNA Meeting

4815 NE 7th Avenue
February 9, 2011 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Draft Agenda–Revised

6:30 Introductions and approval of agenda and minutes; additions to the agenda; announcements (including Movie in the Park; King’s facebook page; Spring clean-up information and other possible King projects; the Columbia River Crossing forum; the Community Watershed grant program; and the liquor license application for I&A Market)

6:50 Proposal to change the by-laws to eliminate the requirement that a candidate needs a year of service on the NA board before standing for election or appointment to Chair; other NA board positions that are currently vacant.

7:10 Irek Wielgosz: Friends of Tree King planting, & the Williams Transportation Project.

7:15 Officer Ryan Bren, Portland Police Bureau update.

7:25 Shoshana Cohen, NECN announcements, including King Action Planning meeting.

7:35 Sherrie Smith: Community Energy Project presentation.

7:45 Chris Goodell, AKS Engineering: the Vanport Housing project.

8:00 PSU Community Development Group: the King mural project.

8:10 Kevin Brake: pedestrian crossing at NE MLK Boulevard & Failing Street.

8:15 Time for further discussion on any topic.

8:30 Adjourn

Columbia River Crossing: A More Sensible Alternative?

A conversation with George Crandall, urban designer; Bill Scott, founder and general manager of Zipcar; and Joe Cortright, economist.

Three of the region’s top experts in design, economics and transportation offer a cheaper, more buildable alternative to the proposed 1-5 bridge over the Columbia River.

Part of the Agora events series of the City Club of Portland

Presented in partnership with Portland Monthly magazine.

Date: November 15, 2010 – 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Jimmy Mak’s 221 NW 10th Ave.