Portland Plan Retreat Notes

Notes write up from NECN pdx plan retreat 4-3-10

Hello Neighborhood and Community Association board members, leaders and activists;

Attached please find the notes from the Portland Plan Retreat that was hosted by the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods on Saturday, April 3rd from 10am-1pm at Curious Comedy Venue. We had great turn-out of a wide variety of people who have experience working on a wide variety of issues in our community – from education to transportation to the arts and more!

Thank you all who were able to attend and contribute your time and ideas! Your participation is what makes these events successful! Debbie Bischoff, NE Portland District Planner with the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, will be in-putting this information into the Portland Plan.

The next step for you and your neighbors is to take this information, and the other priorities you see in your neighborhood to the Phase II Workshops. Follow this link to find the schedule of workshops: http://www.portlandonline.com/portlandplan/index.cfm?a=289672&c=50730#1. At this workshop Portland Plan staff will be presenting the goals that have been identified in each of the 9 Action Areas from Phase I, get your feedback on these goals and lead a discussion about equity in the City. You are welcome to attend any of the workshops, not just the NE workshop.

Please contact Lauren McCartney anytime if you have thoughts, comments, or questions about this process and the notes.

Lauren McCartney
Neighborhood Association Outreach Coordinator
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
4815 NE 7th Avenue
Portland, OR 97211
P: 503-823-4135
F: 503-823-3150
E: lauren@necoalition.org

Land Use/Transportation Committee Meeting April 28th

Land Use and Transportation Committee
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7pm
NE Coalition of Neighborhoods Office
Martin Room
4815 NE 7th Avenue


7:00 Introductions and approval of agenda and minutes
LUTC February 2010 minutes

7:10 Airport Futures

7:30 Mary with ICA

7:45 Urban Renewal Recommendation – Shoshana Cohen

8:05 High-speed Rail – Brad Perkins (ICA)

8:30 Adjourn

Upcoming issues in our neighborhoods:
• NE Portland Plan Phase II Workshops: April 29, 6:30–9 pm at Beaumont Middle School, Cafeteria, 4043 NE Fremont Street. Contact Marty Stockton for more information at 503-823-2041.
• Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project: Planning Commission Work Session/Recommendation, April 27th and May 11th at 6pm at 1900 SW 4th Ave.
• Sunday Parkways NE: May 16th

Portland Plan Retreat at Curious Comedy

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is hosting a Portland Plan Retreat
for all residents of North and Northeast Portland neighborhoods on Saturday, April 3rd from 10am-1pm
at Curious Comedy at Vanport Plaza 5225 NE MLK Blvd (north of Alberta). This event is open to all
and we encourage organizations and businesses to send a representative!
The purpose of this retreat is to convene neighbors living within the bounds of the Northeast Coalition
of Neighborhoods (Neighborhoods include: Alameda, Boise, Concordia, Eliot, Grant Park, Humboldt,
Irvington, King, Sabin, Sullivan’s Gulch, Vernon and Woodlawn) to address local concerns and
examine how to advocate for needs as the Portland Plan process continues over the next 3 years and
Using interactive, popular education techniques, attendees will be encouraged to voice and identify
community issues to be taken into account as the City of Portland creates the Portland Plan. Past
community plans will be presented as a helpful guide for starting this process. Topics to be addressed
include, but are not limited to, health, equity, housing, transportation, business, education, jobs, arts and
culture, parks, etc.
N/NE Neighborhoods Portland Plan Retreat
Saturday, April 3rd 10am-1pm
Curious Comedy at Vanport Plaza, 5225 NE MLK Blvd. (north of Alberta)
Light refreshments provided
RSVP to Lauren McCartney at lauren@necoalition.org or 503-823-4135.

Bike Boulevard Improvements at Going/Martin Luther King Jr.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation is beginning work on Northeast Going Street at Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to construct intersection improvements for cyclists and pedestrians. The project will consist of extending the median barrier on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and two striped crosswalks where there are higher traffic speeds and traffic volumes on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and pedestrians and cyclists have difficulty crossing the
street. No parking removal is necessary to accommodate the median island on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. In addition, auto traffic will be regulated to right turns at this intersection only.

The project is scheduled to start in late March dependent on weather and construction crew availability. Construction of the intersection improvements should be completed relatively quickly within about a week and a half. This location was identified as a location where cyclists and pedestrians may have trouble navigating and crossing the busy intersection. This improvement will shorten the distance pedestrians and cyclists are exposed to traffic and will increase the visibility of pedestrians and cyclists to motorists and to each other. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to make a two stage crossing, with the benefit of a concrete refuge to wait for traffic to clear for a safer crossing. The project team has visited neighborhood associations after holding two initial public meetings to get feedback from neighborhood residents on North and Northeast Going Street so that feedback and neighborhood input could be incorporated into the proposal. Access will be maintained in the area during all construction phases. Some road access will be limited while work is occurring in the street but access will be maintained through the duration of the construction. No complete road closure is anticipated.

The Bureau of Transportation is sensitive to the use of this connection in the neighborhood and will endeavor to complete the work as quickly as possible to minimize the inconvenience these improvements may cause.

Memorial Coliseum Concepts Online

PDC and the City of Portland are in the midst of a public process to determine the future of the Memorial Coliseum. Over 95 concepts were submitted through an online application process. Several options will be considered by the Rose Quarter Stakeholder Advisory Committee (RQ SAC) during the month of February. The SAC will issue a recommendation to the City Council on proposals to further investigate through a Request for Proposals process.

To visit the project website: www.RoseQuarterDevelopment.org.

To visit websites developed for proposed concepts, and to view the full range of concepts go to the following site: http://rosequarterdevelopment.org/Concept_Summaries.php

The next RQ SAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9th at 5:00 pm at the Portland Development Commission (222 NW 5th Avenue). Please feel welcome to attend to hear the discussion and to provide input during the public comment period. Please contact Kevin Brake with any questions or concerns.

Senior Project / Program Coordinator
503.823.3351 (office)
503.865.3797 (fax)