Learning From History: A conversation with Lisa Leveen, educator and author of The Secrets of Mary Bowser
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Join a Wiz sing-along this Sunday ~ a fundraiser for the Emerson School.
Cultivating Community through Green Spaces – a talk at PSU, May 3rd.

The First Annual Walk of the Heroines Lecture
Thursday, May 2 | 5:30p.m.
Panel discussion
Smith Memorial Student Union 338
Portland State University | 1825 SW Broadway
In honor of the many donors who have made the Walk of the Heroines a success, this event brings together a dynamic panel of speakers to discuss the factors involved in designing and sustaining urban gardens as places of community formation and participation.
Panelists include:
- Carol Mayer-Reed, Partner-in-Charge of Landscape Architecture, Mayer/Reed
- Judy Bluehorse Skelton, Indigenous Nations Studies/UNST Intructor, PSU
- Meera Norris, co-founder of “Seeds for Understanding” (Muslim Community Center), PSU Alumna
Free and open to the public.
This event will be sign language interpreted.
For more information, please contact the Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
at wgss@pdx.edu or 503-725-3516
Last Thursday is Coming…
From FoLT:
With 17,000 participants in the peak summer months, Friends of Last Thursday is focused on addressing the issues involved with sustaining this event in a people-powered approach. This group has saved LT from a painful death, the result of politics, collapse, self implosion and or backlash from one of many angles. FoLT will now hold a permit for LT and are geared to steer the event back towards supporting artists and performers and providing the services to allow it to continue into the future. FoLT earns and scrounges funds and gathers the volunteers each month, providing security, education of the vendors about expectations, removal of trash and recycling, street closure and logistics.
FoLT is wanting to purchase a used box truck for our Street Operations Team. We will take that box trailer and retro-fit it to carry all of the barricades, street signs, and garbage/recycling bins and what they get filled with at the end of the night. FoLT will then lend out the trailer to other community groups at low cost, with the funds helping FoLT to become more financially sustainable. This box trailer will help us support a multicultural community’s economic engine, grassroots art, creative thinking, performance opportunities, personal expression, dreaming, et al. Your contribution may be tax deductible as our fiscal sponsor is the Non-Profit Association of Oregon.
Please see our campaign here.
Shoot, if you don’t have $ to give, please take a moment to pass this along to friends and help us get the word out!
You can also volunteer for a Last Thursday! Info@LastThursdayonAlberta.comEach month runs just under $4000 to make the magic happen even with the donated time, cars, drivers and efforts.
Want more information?
1st Annual Alberta Bar Crawl
April 25, Last Thursday
Between the hours of 6-10p.m. teams of four, distinguished by their team “dress code”, will travel down Alberta Street getting stamped at each of the ten participating bars where they are offered cheap drink specials and enjoy live music, entertainment and prizes.
At the end of the event, teams will turn in a full punch card and receive a Last Thursday pint glass.
Let’s get ready to rumble!
Money raised will help FoLT pay for services (trash, security, toilets, etc.) during the peak summer months of Last Thursday.
Sign up early at the Black Cat Cafe, 1203 NE Alberta or Al Forno Ferruzza, 2738 NE Alberta.Upcoming Events
FoLT Meeting
The Hilt, 1934 NE Alberta
6:30-8:00April Last Thursday
Alberta Bar Crawl
6-11p.m.May Last Thursday
1st Street Closure by FoLT
KNA April Agenda–Liquor Licenses, Watershed Stewardship, Movies in the Park
King Neighborhood Association – General
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 6:30pm
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR
6:30 Introductions, approval of agenda and minutes
6:45 Discussion of pending liquor licenses & KNA engagement
-CROWN Q MARKET & DELI – Comments due 4/20
7:15 Water Stewardship Grant update – Diego Gioseffi
7:25 Vote on fiscal sponsorship of Water Stewardship Grant
7:30 Movies in the Park update & request for volunteers – Russ Eisenberg
7:40 Communications Committee – Recruitment & Ideas
8:00 Adjourn