Learning From History: A conversation with Lisa Leveen, this Wednesday

bows-mar2Learning From History: A conversation with Lisa Leveen, educator and author of The Secrets of Mary Bowser 

Wednesday, May 15, doors at 6:00, program from 6:30-8:15pm.
Allen Temple CME Church
4236 NE 8th Avenue
NECN is co-sponsoring a conversation with author and education expert, Lois Leveen about her novel, The Secrets of Mary Bowser. Named one of the top 10 books of 2012 by The Oregonian, the novel offers parallels between Mary Bowser’s journey from slavery to freedom and models for achieving educational equity in Portland. Additional co-sponsors include: City Club of Portland, Allen Temple CME ChurchFastFirst Unitarian Church of Portland, and Urban League of Portland.
There is no need to read the book before the program, although copies are available at area bookstores and will be on sale at the event for payment by cash or check. The event is free and appropriate for middle school and high school students as well as for adults. Click here to RSVP online.