Friends of Last Thursday to make changes to event

Changes in store for Last Thursday next year as recently released by FOLT:

New For Next Year:

Friends of Last Thursday has been working diligently to pay for the costs of the event and to minimize the impacts of 20,000 visitors to our district. We have come to realize that the only way to keep the event sustainable is to implement changes for nest year.


While it will remain FREE for all artists, crafters, creatives, musicians and performers, all other vendors will be charged a fee. This includes food vendors carrying a temporary or restaurant food license. This will give accountability to all vendors and repeat offenders will not be allowed to vend at Last Thursday.

One big problem is underage drinkers and the after hour violence from youth gangs.

before next season starts visit: for more info.

NECN Small Grants Return

Grant Proposals Due: 5 PM, November 1, 2012.

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is offering $10,220 in small grants to neighborhood, business and community-based groups through a grant announced September 1, 2012. The goal of the grant program is to provide opportunities for building community and increasing and sustaining involvement in neighborhood associations, district coalitions and the community at-large. This program prioritizes engagement of historically under-represented organizations representing people of color, immigrants and refugees, low-income families, youth, people with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bi and transgendered people. Click here for more information and to download our application.

Considering applying for one of NECN’s grants? Join NECN for a Small Grants Orientation to learn more! Orientation will be on October 4, 2012 from 7-9 p.m. Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211

This informational session will answer questions about the application, the committee review process, what funds can be used for and NECN’s unique priorities. The session will also include a brief overview of basic grant writing tips. RSVP to Babs at 503-388-6100 or

Harvest Hoedown! a benefit for the Urban Farm Collective, tomorrow eve, at Tin Shed.

Harvest Hoedown!

Wednesday, September 12th, 7-10 pm

Food – silent auction – live music

with performances by Alela Diane, Lindsay Clark, and The Timberbound Project

at Tin Shed Garden Café, 1438 NE Alberta Street

Admission: $15 donation

Proceeds go to creating and sustaining neighborhood food gardens in NE Portland and beyond!

On October 2nd from 7-8:30pm,

Columbia Riverkeeper

and the Power Past Coal coalition

will host a panel presentation about coal export

at the Rose City Park United Methodist Church at 5830 NE Alameda.



The panel will include a diverse cross-section of communities opposed to coal export. In addition to a through overview of all five coal export terminals proposed for Oregon and Washington, each panelist will speak to how coal export would impact their community. Most panelists live or work in N/NE Portland and this is a unique opportunity to hear from neighbors who have taken on the task of stopping coal export!