Sharing Ideas for Community

From Our United Villages:

Celebrate the positive things happening in community!

Community Outreach of Our United Villages invites you to the sixth presentation of Sharing Ideas on Thursday, May 24th, 2012 at the June Key Delta Center (5940 North Albina Street) from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Sharing Ideas showcases the positive efforts of neighbors, groups and organizations throughout Portland.

Three projects will be invited to share the spark that ignited their idea, the tools and strategies used to turn their ideas into action and their hopes for the future of their project. Make connections, build support for positive efforts in the community and discover possibilities for creating similar projects in your neighborhood. Featured projects include:

• Founded by a group of Northeast Portland neighbors, Kitchen Commons works to support the development of “a network of community kitchens in every neighborhood.”

• Entering its second year, Village Market is a community-led, nonprofit grocery store in New Columbia providing healthy food, local jobs and education.

• Slated to open in June, Kitchen Share Southeast will be Portland’s first community kitchen tool library.

Register to attend online at or call 503.546.7499. FREE and open to the community. Free food! Child care (9 and under), transportation, and interpretation provided upon request. To read about past Sharing Ideas events and for more information, visit our website at

Our United Villages (OUV) is a local non-profit organization. As a program of OUV, Community Outreach serves as a free resource for those who see value in connecting with each other. Working from the roots, we bring people together to share their ideas that inspire practices to strengthen community.


KNA Supports Portland Flea, Backpack Lunch Program–May Update

At the May meeting of the King Neighborhood Association the NA voted to:

  • Approve a letter to Parks & Rec supporting Portland Flea’s desire to hold a flea market at the King Facility parking lot once a month through October. We will also meet with Flea and NECN to discuss educational opportunities and mini-employment opportunities that might be built into the market;
  • Approve a letter to PDC supporting Woody Broadnax’s desire to hold a “June 19th Voter Registration Drive” at MLK/Alberta’s empty lot, on July 21st and 22nd;
  • Launch the KNA backpack lunch collection drive, to collect food and money through KNA’s account at NECN, for the backpack program specifically at King School. We hope to raise enough to do a large backpack lunch packing in November-ish. Please give some thought to how we can raise money for the program;
  • Launch the Soil to Soul food security committee. The backpack program will be under Soil to Soul’s banner.

Also, Katy Kanfer announced that June will be her last month as part of the NA, as well as as a resident of Oregon.  We will miss her terribly and to pieces.

We would love to have folks on hand at upcoming Farmers Markets this summer to let people know about KNA, our programs, and our events.  Please volunteer for an hour or two on an upcoming Sunday to help us publicize and get the word out.  Email us when you’ve found a free hour or two to be at the Market and schmooze, and we will get some fliers to you!  Thank you very much for helping with this!

Also, please let folks know about the Clean-up next Sunday, May 19th! Let me know if you want fliers to hand out – full sheet or 1/4 sheet – or I can email you the flier.

Upcoming: we hope to have a rep for Parks & Rec to talk with us about the Sprite Spark Parks program; and Dr. Maila Davenport will continue to talk with us about the World Tree Project. We will also begin to put together the details of the Movie in the Park, on June 30th.

Other than that, we will do our best to keep summer meetings light and easy. We will also work on the by-laws, keeping an eye on the upcoming election for board positions in September.

King ‘hood Clean-up, May 19th!


It’s your lucky day on MAY 19th!



May 19, 9am-1pm, $15/car, $25/pick-up truck, $40 for large loads

North Police Precinct, 449 NE Emerson.

We accept household goods, metal, electronics and reusable items such as clothing and furniture.

Questions or want to volunteer? Have a TRUCK we can use?

Contact clean-up Coordinator Brian Weaver, brian[at]

Community Fridays & Family Fridays at Quaking Grass.

COMMUNITY FRIDAYS (starts in May): 1st & 3rd Fridays. 3 – 8:30pm.

Every 1st and 3rd Friday Quaking Grass will hold a community wellness night, open to all- a time to explore self help and self-growth, to get grounded and whole and to connect and mingle with others. Clinic runs wellness sessions from 3 to 7 pm. At 7 pm, we have a speaker and potluck gathering for all. Clinic Cost: $30 for every 30 minutes. Gathering Donation Suggestion: $5. Some modalities may include:

  • Chiropractic
  • Acupuncture
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Massage
  • Essential Oils
  • Astrology
  • Tarot & Psychic Readings
  • Counseling
  • Reiki/Energy Healings

Contact Jen Gouvea for more information: 503-206-1150

FAMILY FRIDAYS (starts in May): 2nd & 4th Fridays. 4 – 7pm.

Bring the family for family fun and connections every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. 4 to 7pm. May events include two ALL FAMILY DANCES. Bring the children, help them hear and move to the music, have fun dancing and connect with other parents. Potluck items welcome. $5 Cover for Adults. $3 for Child. $20 for family of 2 adults and 4 children.

Contact Jillian Brown for more information: 503-523-9569.


Quaking Grass is a vibrant space, an ideal place for community building, workshops and wellness classes and clinics. Quaking Grass is a non-profit in Portland, OR, run by The Healing Arts Collective. QG is located at 5010 NE 9th Ave. Unit B in the Alberta Arts District at 9th.