Occupy NE: fighting foreclosures of black-owned homes.

Occupy Northeast meets at Reflections Coffee on Saturday afternoons. From their facebook: ” We are seeking out Black people threatened by foreclosure so that we can fight back. We need help forming committees to process all of the requests we are receiving so anyone interested in this type of activism work is encouraged to come to our meetings and play an active role.  Anyone experiencing foreclosure is encouraged to contact us.”

Study Group on ‘The New Jim Crow’ at Reflections

N-NE study group on “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander

Saturdays, 11-noon, Talking Drum Bookstore,446 NE Killingsworth
Beginning March 31st, ending May 5th

A six week, chapter by chapter, book study of Michelle Alexander’s powerful analysis of how and why a majority of young Black men in major American cities are locked behind bars or labeled felons for life. Alexander argues that racial caste in our country has not ended but has been redesigned. Through the War on Drugs, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control.

Participants will take turns summarizing and asking questions about each chapter. This is a N/NE group. Other study groups are happening elsewhere in the city. Books available for sale in hard and soft cover at Talking Drum.

Please sign-up by e-mail or phone
Jamie Partridge

503-752-5112 jamiep7206@aol.com

How to build a healthy, connected neighborhood? King NA’s monthly meeting Wednesday, 6:30 pm.

Another 24-hour convenience store in our neighborhood? Do we need a 7-11 of our own (so close on the heels of the 7-11 Corporation’s decision to open a store two-thirds of a mile away, in the Vernon neighborhood)? Join us tomorrow evening for a community discussion about 7-11’s plans to build and open a store at MLK & Sumner, and hear how neighbors on Sumner Street would like to see their street develop instead.

Also, folks in our neighborhood will be talking about the projects they’ve created to build a healthy and connected neighborhood. We welcome everyone!

King Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue


March 14, 2012 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm

KNA Board meeting: Building a Healthy, Connected Neighborhood.  

6:30    Welcome and introductions; approval of minutes and agenda; announcements.

6:40    The Portland Playhouse, and its application for a conditional use permit to use the building at 6th & Prescott: an update.

6:45     Diego Gioseffi & Van Bogner: King school ground planting project.

6:50     [REDACTED]: Easter egg hunt in Two Plum Park?

6:55     7-11’s plans for a store in King – how does the neighborhood respond?

7:25     Update from the Portland Police Bureau.

7:35     Jeff Scott: Update on Jackson’s GNA.

7:40     Katy Kanfer: From Soil to Soul: food security and the King Neighborhood.

7:45     Brian Weaver: the 2012 King Neighborhood Clean-up.

7:50     Teri Phillips: neighborhood garage sale in 2012?

7:55     Emily Wilson: Two Plum Park bench project.

8:00     Katy Asher updates us on the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhood’s work in the larger inner N/NE neighborhoods.

8:05     How can the KNA operate/be structured to best serve our neighbors ?

8:25    Quick hits:

  • No tree inventory this year for King; next year?
  • brochures & publicity for King.
  • Fundraisers?
  • A change to 2012 board elections?

The King Neighborhood Association meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 in the King Neighborhood Facility at 4815 NE 7th Avenue, unless another location has been designated ahead of time. Our next meeting will be held on April 11, 2012.  You can subscribe to our electronic newsletter and check out our community calendar at www.kingneighborhood.org. You can send us an email at info@kingneighborhood.org. Find us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/kingneighborhood.

Land Use Committee Discusses New Seasons Development

Discussion of parking, traffic and design issues of the next New Seasons store to be built just outside of King in the Eliot neighborhood was a main topic at the last Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods land use and transportation committee meeting. Also discussed: the Urban Food Zoning Code, Portland Plan, and Columbia River Crossing. Read the discussion via the draft February minutes below or on the NECN Website:



Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods

Land Use and Transportation Committee

Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 7:00pm

Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods Office




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