Black History Month–Day 3

In honor of Black History Month, here are few profiles of contributors to history of African descent:

Alexandre Dumas

(1802-1870), was a novelist; dramatist of French and Afro-Carribean descent who lived in France.  He was the author of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, he also wrote 20 volumes of memoirs. 

Otis Boykin

Invented an improved electrical resistor

Few inventors have had the lasting impact of Otis Boykin. Look around the house today and you’ll see a variety of devices that utilize components made by Boykin – including computers, radios and TV sets. Boykin’s inventions are all the more impressive when one considers he was an African American in a time of segregation and the field of electronics was not as well-established as it is today. Continue reading

Alberta Main Street Extended into King

From Alberta Main Street:

It’s official! The Alberta Main Street target area now includes NE 10-15th Avenues. The original Alberta Main Street target area included NE 15th – 31st Avenues. The stretch of Alberta Street between NE 10-15th Avenues was not originally included in our application due to a restriction regarding Main Street programs operating within Urban Renewal Areas (URA). Last July the URA was expanded to include all of the commercially zoned property along NE Alberta Street. Existing Portland Main Street programs operating within the URA expansion areas have been granted the authority to continue program operations within the URA.

This provided an opportunity for Alberta Main Street to request a target area expansion to include NE 10th – 15th Avenues. Our request was approved in late 2011. A Main Street target area is defined as the geographically defined commercial district with discernible, logical boundaries of a manageable size and configuration. We would like to give a special thanks to the business between NE 10-15th avenues that have supported Alberta Main Street over the last year. Thank you for seeing the value in Alberta Main Street and helping to promote a vibrant business district and strong community.

Support the King PTA at Radio Room

Join us in supporting the King School PTA raise funds to put on its first annual auction by coming out the the Radio Room on 11th and Alberta. The profitshare is on Wednesday, February 8th and runs from 5:30-8:30 but you can stay as late as you like! 10% of proceeds during the event go to King School.

Urban Growth Bounty Classes

It’s a new year, and the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is gearing up for its 2012 series of Urban Growth Bounty classes. We hope that you can help spread the word in your neighborhood — it’s a terrific lineup of courses, with plenty of old favorites to go along with some fresh new subjects.

  • Learn everything you need to know about vegetable gardening with Oregon Tilth and Josh Volk. • Find out the secrets of delicious, home-made cheeses with Claudia Lucero.
  • Join Glen Andresen for his unique insights into backyard beekeeping or fruit production.
  • Maximize your garden bounty with Will Newman’s insights into soils and tools.
  • Start your own backyard flock with help from Naomi Montacre’s chicken, goat, and mixed herd classes.
  • Dive into edible landscaping with Jen Aron.
  • Explore the world of food preservation (canning, freezing, fermentation, etc.) with OSU Extension Service and the folks at Living City.

You should register now to ensure a place in these limited-size classes. They’re the perfect way to explore urban homesteading and connect with the community. Feel free to email with any questions, or by telephone at 503-823-6947.

Portland OIC seeks hosts for Job Shadow Day

From Asa Pritchard, career coach and youth advocate at Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center:

Many employment programs have been cut from Portland schools, thus reducing the chances our youth have to be successful in today’s workforce. I have come up with a plan – JOB SHADOW DAY! And now I need your help; just one half of a day is all that I am asking.

By allowing a student to observe you on the job, you are providing them with a firsthand look at the skills and knowledge required to succeed in your job and build a career. I know this may be a lot to ask. But we must look out for our youth in our city and do what we can to assure that our future will be in good hands.

This is just a general inquiry. I’m trying to get a sense of who is interested in participating and what positions are available to be observed by our students.

The students really need your help on this one. If you have any other contacts that may be interested please send them my way. I am very much interested in creating a Portland Job Shadow Day. With your help we can make this happen.

Attached is a “Host Profile” for you to complete and email back.

Thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Asa Pritchard
Career Coach / Youth Advocate
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center
Rosemary Anderson High School
717 N. Killingsworth Ct. Portland, OR 97217

Host Profile Form