N/NE Economic Development Panel Discussion

Join the NECN Community Economic Development Council for:
A Framework for Community Economic Development in N/NE Portland

Learn how current state, regional and city policies shape neighborhood-level community economic development. Panelists will address how governmental policies and programs set the stage for local work and translate into community benefits.

Join us on Wednesday, February 1st at St. Andrew Catholic Church, 806 NE Alberta, Portland. Doors open at 6:30pm for networking and refreshments, program from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.

Panel Speakers include:
• Karen Wilde Goddin, Managing Director of the Business, Innovation and Trade Division, Oregon Business Development Department
• Charles A. Wilhoite, Commissioner, Portland Development Commission and Managing Director, Willamette Management Associates.
• John R. Williams, Deputy Director – Planning and Development, Metro
• Rey España, Director of Community Development, Native American Youth and Family Center
This event is part of an ongoing series. Please join us for this and future events as we explore economic development. For additional information please see the attached flyer, visit necoalition.org or call 503.823.4575.

Click here for the flyer:ExploringEconomicDevelwSpeak

Occupy Portland Health Fair: This Sat., Jan 28th, in King N’hood

Portland Occupy Health Fair

January 28th, 2012

11am until 4pm

4867 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Portland Occupy Health has organized an Occupy Health Fair to empower the community to reclaim their health. This unique event is meant to create dialog between Healthcare Organizations and Communities, provide information on alternatives to the current profit-driven insurance model of care, and educate on broad-spectrum health.

This is a grass roots organization of citizens and professionals dedicated to empowering communities to take control, and positively transform their health and the healthcare system. We are bringing awareness to the community about solutions to the current broken model of healthcare and educate them on solutions available to them currently.

Many uninsured and underinsured do not know that there are alternatives to a costly trip to the ER or waiting until you are seriously ill to seek help. Moreover, there is a need to educate the community on ways to stay well and keep not only their body healthy but the surrounding community.

For a list of presenters and providers will be attending, please see https://sites.google.com/site/portlandoccupyhealth/events-schedule


Neighbors, PTA Pitch In on MLK Day of Service

The community turned out on Monday, January 16th on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service to make a dent in the weeds and trash at King School Park. English ivy had taken over the south side of the parking lot at the King Neighborhood Facility and was hiding all manner of things thereunder. A robust group of neighbors, King School PTA members, and invasive species foes dug, hacked snipped and pulled all day. The result is that the strip of land is now nearly completely cleared and several truck loads were hauled away.

Thanks to a grant from NECN and the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, the area will be re-landscaped with native plants that are not invasive and that will thrive in the location while providing an easily maintained habitat. There are tentative plans to finish the clearing on President’s Day, February 20th.

Special thanks go to all the volunteers, Portland Farmers Market, Whole Foods, Starbucks, and Metro.

From soil to soul: check out upcoming Urban Growth Bounty classes.

City of Portland’s Urban Growth Bounty series returns with classes on growing, preparing and preserving food

From cheesemaking to beekeeping to urban gardening to food preservation, Urban Growth Bounty provides all the tools you need to do it yourself.


Since its kickoff in 2009, thousands of Portlanders have been able to explore the world of urban homesteading (and to meet others who share their interest) through the Urban Growth Bounty classes. Now entering its fourth year, the 2012 series includes courses on beekeeping, urban livestock, cheesemaking, food preservation, and multiple types of gardening. On-line registration is available at http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/ugb.

“The Urban Growth Bounty classes are a great value and a wonderful way to kickstart your 2012 food growing season,” says Portland Mayor Sam Adams. “There’s always more to learn about how to grow, preserve and eat sustainably on a budget.”
Presented by the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, 2012 brings back an exciting lineup of expert instructors and an array of classes for all skill levels. Courses will take place from February to July at locations across the city.

A brand new class, Introduction to Food Preservation, Jams, and Jellies debuts in May. Returning also are the most popular classes from the past two years, Cheesemaking with Claudia Lucero and Edible Landscaping with Jen Aron.

For detailed Urban Growth Bounty 2012 descriptions and registration information, visit http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/ugb or e-mail food@portlandoregon.gov.