Info on Portland Housing Bureau’s upcoming public meetings for allocation of new public housing funds.

Citywide Equity Committee

What is this project?

The project is a $20 million financing initiative in North/Northeast Portland over the next five years. The effort is focused in the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area in response to the community’s well documented need for affordable housing and other investments in neighborhoods most impacted by displacement.
While the funds, along with those previously budgeted and programmed, will mostly be used to invest in buildings, the process for determining how and where to spend the money provides an opportunity to engage community members in ways that begin to address a long history of institutional racism and displacement of residents and businesses. (more)


Your voice is needed.

Community input will help shape the strategy. During Summer/Fall of 2014, Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) and community stakeholders will design a set of recommendations for prioritizing investment of these housing resources, that begins to address affordable housing needs.

Attend a Community Forum:

You will learn information about the current opportunities and how available affordable housing tools can be used. Participants will also see alternative scenarios for investments and programs. The goal is to seek consensus about which strategies most directly improve affordable housing stability and choices.


Here’s how you can be involved:

  • Attend a Community Forum
  • Learn more here (reports, media, etc.)
  • Join the email list here
  • Send us your thoughts and ideas here (email and phone)