NE Portland swap shop and play space

This news from Maggie Bermingham regarding the planned NE swap and play:

Some of you may know that the Activistas of are holding a fundraising garage sale on 8/22 for a wonderful new nonprofit, Family Forward Oregon. ( They are willing to donate any leftovers that we may want in order to set up our space. I’m still working out the details but I plan to volunteer to support the event and express appreciation for the donation. If anyone else is interested, please let me know.

Secondly, the Victory Outreach Church, currently at 30th and Alberta, is going to be moving and will be leasing their building which was an old theatre. They have a nice street level “cafe” space with lots of windows facing 30th that they are willing to lease to us VERY inexpensively compared to other properties in the area. It is too small for an indoor play park but would be a very nice place to gather while we grow and continue to look for a large indoor play park type space. We could set it up to be family friendly and could start the swap piece of the co-op. Eventually, it would be a good space to bring in entertainers. Anyway, I have to give an answer soon so I’m wondering how many of you would be interested in officially joining the co-op and becoming founding members. Like the other two co-ops, there will be a $25 joining fee and then $20/mo. Also like the other co-ops, I would like to collect 3 months at a time at the beginning of each quarter but can make exceptions in cases of hardship. I would need a minimum of 10 to pull this off right now. You can email me directly ( rather than post to the board. If, there are not enough interested folks, I will pass on this and keep looking. We don’t have any other options available at this time. I also welcome comments and feedback.

To learn more about the swap and play or get involved, join the yahoo group at: