Unapproved Mural to be Fined by City, Petition of Support Circulating

Last April the Union Market at corner of Martin Luther King Jr. and Failing was repeatedly hit by taggers. As an aesthetically pleasing alternative, a mural was painted on a void green wall. The owners are now threatened with high civil penalties and monthly enforcement fees until they paint it over. If you like art in your neighborhood, stop by the Union Market 3837 NE MLK Jr Blvd and sign the petition (over 60 neighbors already did over the last two days.) Keep art in our lives.

Documentary on Graffiti

Here’s a preview of a film that delves into the our society’s ambivalence toward graffiti and the extremists on both sides.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/25601874]

Portland, Oregon / October 14-20, 2011
The Clinton St. Theater
Director Max Good and Editor Julien de Benedictis will be there for a Q&A on opening night.

King Graffiti Cleanup Saturday Morning, 7/23

The time is here! Meet us at 9:00 am for coffee and doughnuts at 4815 NE 7th and let’s put a dent in the surfeit of graffiti in our neighborhood. If we have enough volunteers, we can cover all of our surveyed areas on MLK, Alberta, and Killingsworth. The cleanup runs until 1:00 but feel free to take part for as long as you can. If you come a little late, that’s okay too.

Volunteer for the King Graffiti Cleanup

On Saturday, July 23rd from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, King will hold its second collaborative graffiti cleanup.  This is a combined effort by City-contracted graffiti removal crews, and volunteers from King. Be a part of the solution!

There are two phases to the cleanup:

  1. Volunteers will survey their area and compile a list of sites that have been vandalized by graffiti and then submit the list to the Graffiti Abatement Coordinator at least a week ahead of the event.
  2. Contractor-crews will focus on paint-out or power-wash removals from private properties (provided we have signed owner-permission prior to the event). Volunteers will remove graffiti from properties “in the right-of-way”, including utility poles, dumpsters, newspaper boxes, and other sites that are not routinely cleaned by agencies or owners.

Previous years collaborative events have resulted in more than 1000 sites cleaned in a “season”.  Supplies will be provided by the Graffiti Abatement Program.  Volunteers must sign a volunteer agreement and application form, available at the Graffiti Program webpage: http://www.portlandonline.com/oni/index.cfm?c=32420

Volunteers can sign up for one or both phases.  Those who have already expressed interest in volunteering will be contacted this weekend to select an area to survey.  If you signed up and don’t hear from us by Sunday, contact trace.salmon@kingneighborhood.org.   There is only a week until the surveys need to be submitted.

King Cleanup Flyer

Graffiti Cleanup in King?

The City of Portland Graffiti Abatement program will sponsor eight (8) Saturday morning graffiti cleanups between March and October 2011. Interested neighborhoods/business associations should contact Graffiti Abatement Coordinator as soon as possible to be considered as a cleanup site.

Beginning in March, the cleanups will be held one Saturday each month from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and will be a combined effort by City-contracted graffiti removal crews, and a minimum of 10 volunteers from the community. Be a part of the solution! Prior to the cleanup date, residents/businesses will be asked to survey their area and compile a list of sites that have been vandalized by graffiti and then to submit the list to Graffiti Abatement Coordinator at least a week ahead of the event.

The contractor-crews will focus on paint-out or power-wash removals from private properties (provided we have signed owner-permission prior to the event). Volunteers will remove graffiti from properties “in the right-of-way”, including utility poles, dumpsters, newspaper boxes, and other sites that are not routinely cleaned by agencies or owners.
Supplies will be provided by the Graffiti Abatement Program.

To participate, King will need to apply for one of 8 dates and have the minimum of 10 volunteers willing to do the removal and survey. The dates are from late March through October. If you are interested in seeing this happen in King this year, send us your information at info@kingneighborhood.org or come to our next meeting at 6:30 pm March 9th, at 4815 NE 7th.