Reimagining 15th & Prescott

From Sabin Community Association:

The triangle at 15th & Prescott needs help. Currently it’s a paved space with no character or charm that routinely gets misused and tagged with graffiti. Nearby residents and businesses would like to see that change. So the Sabin Community association is soliciting ideas and raising funds to make the space more welcoming to all community members.

Please join us on Saturday March 12th from 2 to 4 pm on the corner of 15th and Prescott for a charrette on the Sabin Triangle. After we walk the site, we will head to Grain & Gristle for a comfortable place to share ideas. Volunteer architects will be on hand to guide the process. We hope to do something innovative to let people know that they are in Sabin and that this is a great community. Call Rosemarie Cordello with questions (503) 493-9434.

Community Budget Forum on March 8

Join us for the rescheduled Community Budget Forum on March 8

Share your budget priorities with Mayor Adams, Commissioners, and City staff. Attend the rescheduled Community Budget Forum at David Douglas High School, 1001 SE 135th St., on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. A community resource fair begins at 6:00 p.m., and the Forum runs from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
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Portland Plan Fair March 10th

Portlanders have an opportunity to shape the City’s strategies for the future at the upcoming Portland Plan Fairs.

The Portland Plan Fairs will offer residents a range of experiences and opportunities to learn about and comment on three integrated strategies and an Equity Initiative. In addition to breakout discussions for each one, the fairs will feature local food, music, booths, presentations, and community exhibitors. Childcare will be provided at all locations.

The Portland Plan is a long-range plan for the city’s future, ensuring that Portland is a thriving and sustainable city, with health and opportunity for all. Portlanders say that equity, living wage jobs, student success and a healthy environment are their top concerns. In response to this community input, the Portland Plan combines these priorities with extensive research and national best practices to develop an overarching Equity Initiative and three draft strategies for Portland’s future:

1. Education
2. Economic Prosperity and Affordability
3. Healthy Connected Neighborhoods

The Portland Plan Fair–North

Thursday, March 10, 6:30 – 9 p.m.
De La Salle North Catholic High School
7528 N Fenwick Avenue
TriMet #4, #6, #75; MAX Yellow
En Espanol, tambien!

Community public engagement is especially critical at this point in the Portland Plan process. After the fairs and follow-up outreach efforts, the draft strategies will be revised based on input from the community, Portland Plan partners and national experts. These revised strategies will be the core of the City’s strategic plan, which will be available for comment and review this summer and will be presented to the Planning and Sustainability Commission this fall.

About the Portland Plan

The Portland Plan will be a 25-year strategic plan for the City, and the direction it sets will touch every neighborhood, district and resident of Portland as it grows. The plan will help to define priorities, guide investment of public dollars and set the course for Portland for the next quarter of a century. For more information or to fill out a survey please go to:

March KNA Draft Agenda

March 9, 2011 – 6:30 to 8:30 pm
4815 NE 7th

Draft Agenda

6:30 Introductions and approval of agenda and minutes; additions to the agenda; announcements (King NA calendar of events; King’s facebook page; VisionZero transportation project)

6:50 KNA Board vacancy.

6:55 Officer Ryan Bren, Portland Police Bureau update.

7:05 Shoshana Cohen, NECN announcements, including King Action Planning meeting.

7:10 Rick Sills update on NECN’s SALT committee, & KNA’s Last Thursday letter.

7:15 Irek Wielgosz & Lyndsey Dieter-Vaughn: King Spring Clean-up.

7:20 King graffiti clean-up.

7:30 Ariana Scipioni, Audubon Society: Backyard Habitat Certification Program.

7:40 Van Bogner, landscaping improvement project at King School Park.

7:50 Blue Door Project.

8:05 Discussion on service on the 6 bus line on MLK Boulevard.

8:15 Time for further discussion on any topic.

8:30 Adjourn

Road Safety Walking Tour March 5th, Survey Online

King Neighborhood is partnering with the Vision Zero Oregon Portland State University Masters Workshop project. Vision Zero looks forward to working with King and having the input and expertise of the King Neighborhood Association guide Portland neighborhoods towards zero roadway deaths. Here’s how to get involved with the project:

1) Walking Tour:

Please join us to help identify road safety problem areas and talk about solutions that will make it safer and easier for everyone to get around the King, Boise, and Humboldt neighborhoods.
When: Saturday, March 5 – 10:00-11:00am
Where: The tour begins at 10:00am at Reflections Coffee and Books, 446 NE Killingsworth Street (just east of MLK Blvd)
Details: No need to RSVP, just show up ready to walk and talk, rain or shine. We will meet at Reflections Coffee and Books before and after the walking tour.

2) Online Survey:

We want to know what you think about road safety and how it can be improved. Please take 10 minutes to fill out our survey and let us know what concerns you in the King, Boise, and Humboldt neighborhoods. It will help us better understand the road safety issues in your neighborhood and you can enter to win $15! Deadline is March 21, 2011.

Feel free to contact Michelle van Tijen of Vision Zero anytime with questions and ideas about how you want to get involved! Thank you for taking the survey and we hope to see you on Saturday (with umbrellas and walking shoes)!