KNA Cleanup a Success

So here’s the wrap-up:

  • Total proceeds = $666.44 ($750 collected less total expenses $83.56)
  • 3 dumpsters of mixed waste = 6.73 tons
  • 460 lbs or approx a quarter ton of scrap metal
  • approx a half ton of electronics
  • 10 linear feet of Styrofoam
  • approx. a quarter ton of donated clothing and household items

17 volunteers helped out and approximately 60 households were served

A special thanks to: Loaves and Fishes, Metro, Cloudburst, Metro Metals, Far West Fibers, Total Reclaim, Reflections Coffee (donated coffee for volunteers) Goodwill, Portland Police Bureau, North Precinct and all who donated their time on Saturday!

Urban Farm Collective Seeks Donations


The Urban Farm Collective began in 2009, educating, growing and sharing food in inner NE Portland, Oregon and exchanging produce exclusively via a barter system. The first year we grew on just one lot; by the next year we’d grown to four sites.

This year, we have been accepted as a project of Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust and have the opportunity to take on five new plots, bringing our total garden space up to more than 1/2 acre.

If we are able to transform these new lots into gardens, this would create something that as far as we know exists nowhere else in the country: a non-profit urban farm, exchanging produce to participants via barter and donating significant amounts of fresh, local produce to the community at large.

Volunteer gardeners and land owners are already on board; all we need is the money to transform the lots. The money will go toward purchasing irrigation systems, tools, greenhouse supplies, path and fence building materials, water catchment systems and harvesting supplies.

Urban Farm Collective video/contribution website
Urban Farm Collective site

King Neighborhood Clean-up Day This Saturday, June 4

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for–the day the dumpsters show up outside the police precinct and you can get rid of that clutter filling the bowels of your basement or lurking under that blackberry bush in the yard. The dump rates are reasonable and all proceeds go to charity.

9:00-1:30, 449 NE Emerson $15/car, $25/truck.

Accepted items are: wood, EXCEPT yard debris, electronics, scrap metal, reusable items for donation to charity, household waste, EXCEPT kitchen waste, NO hazardous waste.

Fundraiser to Support Fresh Food Purchases

News on Fresh Exchange from KNA member Traci Manning:

It’s that time of year again. The birds are singing, the sun is flirting (the weeds are growing…) and the Farmers Markets are opening!

I’m still involved with Fresh Exchange, a program to raise funds from our community to match food stamps spent at the farmers market. We add to the buying power of our neighbors spending food stamps at the market – dollar for dollar up to $5 per week. They turn around and buy produce from our local farmers to put fruits and veges on their family’s table and support the local economy and food system. More info?

We started two years ago with the opening of King Portland Farmers market. Last year, an amazing group of volunteers worked to create the program at Buckman Portland Farmers Market. The two programs funded an amazing $26,000 in food for our neighbors. A great testament to the generosity of our community. This year, we join forces as Fresh Exchange and serve both markets.

Please join me to celebrate, eat, drink, and be merry at Old Town Pizza on MLK, 5201 NE MLK @ Sumner). Monday, May 16, 5:00 – 8:00 pm. They are a great, local, community and sustainability minded partner/local business.

They’ve got great food, drink, and a big play area for little ones. AND, they donate 30% of everything you spend IF you present the voucher below (or know someone there who’s carrying around a stack of them…).

You can print the voucher by clicking here:
Fresh Exchange OTP Fundraiser 2011

Love to see you there,


but if you can’t make it, you can still donate here:

Fresh Exchange is a program of the fabulous Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and Southeast Uplift, with generous, unflagging support of Portland Farmers Market.

Really long Facebook link:!/event.php?eid=203923659647215

The Sweat It Up 5K Registration Is Now Open!

Join Step It Up, Inc. as they host the annual Sweat It Up 5K on June 25, 2011. Join them for food, fun, games, and a 5K run/walk around the Irvington and King neighborhoods. Sign-up for the Sweat It Up run/walk, enter to win some great prizes, and enjoy a free breakfast!

Who: You!
What: Sweat It Up 5K
When: June 25, 2011, 9:00 – Noon
Where: Irving Park, NE 7th and Fremont, Portland, Oregon
Why: A benefit for Step It Up, Inc. and a fun community event!

Register Now!

If you would like to form a team and get 10% off your Sweat It Up Package or Deluxe Package, and be eligible for the largest team prize, please email at
The Sweat It Up 5K is a benefit for Step It Up, Inc., a Portland based nonprofit that provides youth with career knowledge, experiential learning, and continuous support to help them transform their futures.