Alberta Main Street is seeking passionate volunteers who want to get involved in community and economic development. We will be having a volunteer orientation at our office Thursday, June 11th at 6:30PM. Volunteering with Alberta Main Street is a great way to make an impact in your community, gain experience in a variety of areas and meet new friends.
At the orientation you will learn about Alberta Street’s past, present and future. With many exciting volunteer opportunities for people interested in both short and long term commitments – there is an opportunity perfect for you.
Committee volunteers: Meet volunteers currently serving on Alberta Main Street committees; learn what they have accomplished and what they hope to with your help. Alberta Main Street committees include promotion, design, business development, and equity.
Special events: Volunteering at special events is a great way to get your feet wet without a long-term commitment. Our annual events include Alberta Street Fair, Sidewalk Sale, Trick or Treat Alberta Street, Holiday Events and Earth Day.
Episodic volunteers: Volunteers remove graffiti and stickers from garbage cans, provide on-call office support, clean the office and other random and sporadic tasks.
Alberta Main Street Volunteer Orientation
When: Thursday, June 11th at 6:30PM
Where: Alberta Main Street
1722 NE Alberta Street // Portland, OR 97211
RSVP Online: albertamainst.org/get-involved/volunteer/
We would love to have you join us!